Wanstead House Notice Board

Teachers/Instructors Wanted

Do you need a space for your class, club or group?

If so contact the office at Wanstead House and we would be happy to help find you the perfect space for your weekly class.

As a member you can enjoy the coffee bar, licenced bar and garden.

Pop in and see us today to find out more!

Email: office@wansteadhouse.co.uk

Or call

020 8989 3693

Life Drawing courses at Wanstead House

find out more – visit: wansteadhouse.co.uk/life

SOCIAL CLUB at Wanstead House Fridays 8 pm to 10 pm

Our social group invites all to come along to our friendly Friday evening meetings. We have a programme of varied activities.

The accent is on a relaxed informal evening with quizzes, games and talks but most of all lots of laughter.

We are mainly retired people who just want to make friends.

.We have a weekly fee of £3 and a yearly subscription for membership of £3. Why not come and try us?  

We meet at Wanstead House, 21 The Green at 8 pm till 10 pm every Friday (except for bank holidays)

Contact Dee 0208 556 1585 
 Angela 0208 989 1709